BeWell Blog

Advocating for Yourself within the Health Care System

Written by: Amanda Phillips For one to have to deal with a chronic illness, it is absolutely overwhelming to find a way to deal with the healthcare system in general. All the doctor's appointments, the...

My Normal - Growing Up with Symptoms and Guilt

Written by: Amanda Phillips As long as I can remember, I was always some form of sick. My stomach would always ache, and I had symptoms no one could ever explain. I thought something was...

Coping with Sensory Overload When You Have a Chronic Illness

Written by: Amanda Phillips Living with a chronic illness is already a heavy load to carry, while the sensory overload just makes life overwhelming. Many of us living with chronic conditions—everything from autoimmune diseases and...

I May Not Look Sick, But I Sure Do Act It

Written by: Amanda Phillips You see a Ferris Wheel. I see crowds, anxiety, and no fast way to get to a bathroom. There is a lot of talk about invisible illnesses regarding chronic conditions such...

Mentally Preparing for an Ostomy

Written by: Amanda Phillips I've always been worried that one day I would need an ostomy. I'm not going to lie, the first one I saw was on Instagram, and I thought it was so...

A Guide to Awareness Ribbon Colors

Written by: Amanda Phillips Living with a chronic illness or being thrown into the chaos of a cancer diagnosis, one knows how much life may change. Been there, done that, and though the journey is...

Grieving the Loss of Myself: Life with Chronic Illness

Written by: Ashley The Pain of Losing Who I Once Was One of my biggest struggles with IBD has been grief. And I’m not grieving the loss of a family member, a friend, or a...

Chronic Illness and the Medication Methods

Written By: Amanda Phillips Many times, chronic illness means relying on medications to do everything from helping with the symptoms and pain to slowing down the progression of a disease. Yet probably the most salient...

Why Symptom Tracking with a Journal Can Improve Wellness

Written by: Amanda Phillips Living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), or for that matter any chronic illness, is an unwieldy beast. Some days, you feel okay, while others are a mystery as to who is...