BeWell Blog

Reflecting on International Women's Day: Honoring Women with Chronic Illness

International Women's Day, marked every year on March 8th, offers a time to commemorate gains achieved by women and look back on work still to be done. It's a day to recognize strength in every...

Why Rare Disease Awareness Matters: How It Benefits the Whole Chronic Illness Community

I'll never forget the day my doctor finally put a name to what was happening to my body. After years of being told it was "just constipation/gas" or "all in my head," having a diagnosis...

A Spoonie's Guide to January: Real Talk About Surviving the New Year

Hey friends! Let's talk about January. You know that overwhelming feeling when everyone's bouncing around with "new year, new me" energy while you're just trying to figure out how to get through your basic daily...

BeWell IV Zip Hoodie - The Right Fit for Comfort during Treatments

Written by: Amanda Phillips Infusion treatments are never easy, physically and emotionally. Be it chemotherapy, dialysis, biologic infusions, or any other kind of medical intervention, comfort can make a big difference in long sessions. That...

Trick-or-Treating Made Accessible to Kids with Medical Conditions

Written by: Amanda Phillips Halloween is one of the most magical times of the year when kids get to dress up, eat candy, and have fun in their neighborhoods. For children with medical conditions, however,...

The Power of Adaptive Fashion: How BeWell is Changing the Game for Medical Patients

Written by: Amanda Phillips Living with a chronic illness is about more than just managing symptoms; it's about navigating a lifestyle full of doctor’s appointments, treatments, and unexpected challenges. I know first-hand how much the...

Halloween with Chronic Illness: Low-Energy Costume Ideas and Activities

Halloween can be so much fun, but often, if you live with a chronic illness or cancer, it just might feel overwhelming. The costumes, parties, and all of those trick-or-treaters can be fatiguing activities when...

Coping with Sensory Overload When You Have a Chronic Illness

Written by: Amanda Phillips Living with a chronic illness is already a heavy load to carry, while the sensory overload just makes life overwhelming. Many of us living with chronic conditions—everything from autoimmune diseases and...

Chronic Illness and the Medication Methods

Written By: Amanda Phillips Many times, chronic illness means relying on medications to do everything from helping with the symptoms and pain to slowing down the progression of a disease. Yet probably the most salient...