BeWell Blog

Sip Carefully: Why Alcohol and Chronic Illness Don’t Mix

That time of year again. Shamrocks everywhere. Green-colored everything. The inevitable flood of St. Patrick's Day party invitations and bar specials clogging up my social media feed. But for those of us who juggle life...

Sweet Reminder: The Hidden Powers of Chocolate

Living with chronic illness means being on the eternal quest for symptom-soothing options via natural remedies. In my personal journey with an autoimmune disease, I read so much about therapeutic foods-and chocolate keeps popping up...

Beyond Roses and Chocolates: Valentine's Gifts That Show Real Understanding

Finding the perfect Valentine's Day gift gets complicated when your loved one lives with chronic illness. After years of navigating this journey alongside warriors in our community, I've learned that the most meaningful gifts aren't...

Living with Chronic Illness: Your Heart Health This February

I believe your heart deserves extra love, especially while living through life with chronic illness. And because I understand the daily challenges that come with managing complex health conditions, I want to have a real...

A Spoonie's Guide to January: Real Talk About Surviving the New Year

Hey friends! Let's talk about January. You know that overwhelming feeling when everyone's bouncing around with "new year, new me" energy while you're just trying to figure out how to get through your basic daily...

Surviving Thanksgiving with a Chronic Illness: Fatigue and Food Restrictions Included

Written by: Amanda Phillips Thanksgiving is that time of the year when we focus on family, gratitude, and of course, food. However, for people living with chronic illness, this holiday can come with its own...

How to Keep Your Immune System Going During Cold and Flu Season

Written by: Amanda Phillips Daylight hours are at a minimum, and temperatures are well below freezing—so, yes, cold and flu season is most definitely here. If you have been diagnosed with a chronic disease or...

Halloween Candy: Dietary Restriction Management Tips

Written by: Amanda Phillips Halloween is one of those times of the year that's all about fun, costumes, and of course—candy! But for many of us living with chronic illnesses or cancer, the excitement of...

Taking Care of Your Skin When You Have a Chronic Illness

Written by: Amanda Phillips Once you are fighting a chronic condition, your plate is already full—consultant visits, drug prescriptions, fatigue, and pain. The last thing you would want is to know that your disease and...