BeWell Blog

Spring Cleaning as a Spoonie

The birds are chirping, flowers are starting to bloom, and everyone's talking about spring cleaning. My social media news feed is flooded with before-and-after photos of tidy closets and sparkling kitchens. Meanwhile, I'm looking at...

Life is Short: Use the Markers

Growing up, I had this habit that I now recognize in so many others living with chronic illness - saving the "good stuff" for some perfect future moment that never quite arrives. The Story Behind...

Self-Love Isn't Selfish: A Chronic Illness Guide to Valentine's Day—With or Without a Partner

But in reality, the day of Valentine's may turn out to be pretty tricky once one has been dealing with some chronic illness. Perhaps on social media, one goes through all these couples all cute...

Holiday Cheer When You Have Chronic Pain

Written by: Amanda Phillips The holidays are often described as the most wonderful time of the year, but for those living with chronic pain, they can also be the most challenging. The hustle and bustle,...

How to Cope with Seasonal Affective Disorder: Keeping Your Mind Well When Days are Dark

Written by: Amanda Phillips Living with a chronic illness is never easy, but the shorter, darker days of winter can make it especially challenging. A lack of sunlight can leave many people feeling sad, listless,...

Finding Joy in Small Moments: How to Practice Gratitude with Chronic Illness

Written by: Amanda Phillips If there is anything overwhelming in this life, it is to live with chronic illness—exhaustive and filled with frustration or moments of despair. When the body is in combat continuously with...

Halloween with Chronic Illness: Low-Energy Costume Ideas and Activities

Halloween can be so much fun, but often, if you live with a chronic illness or cancer, it just might feel overwhelming. The costumes, parties, and all of those trick-or-treaters can be fatiguing activities when...

Coping with Sensory Overload When You Have a Chronic Illness

Written by: Amanda Phillips Living with a chronic illness is already a heavy load to carry, while the sensory overload just makes life overwhelming. Many of us living with chronic conditions—everything from autoimmune diseases and...

I May Not Look Sick, But I Sure Do Act It

Written by: Amanda Phillips You see a Ferris Wheel. I see crowds, anxiety, and no fast way to get to a bathroom. There is a lot of talk about invisible illnesses regarding chronic conditions such...