BeWell Blog

Life is Short: Use the Markers

Growing up, I had this habit that I now recognize in so many others living with chronic illness - saving the "good stuff" for some perfect future moment that never quite arrives. The Story Behind...

Sweet Reminder: The Hidden Powers of Chocolate

Living with chronic illness means being on the eternal quest for symptom-soothing options via natural remedies. In my personal journey with an autoimmune disease, I read so much about therapeutic foods-and chocolate keeps popping up...

Surviving Thanksgiving with a Chronic Illness: Fatigue and Food Restrictions Included

Written by: Amanda Phillips Thanksgiving is that time of the year when we focus on family, gratitude, and of course, food. However, for people living with chronic illness, this holiday can come with its own...

How to Keep Your Immune System Going During Cold and Flu Season

Written by: Amanda Phillips Daylight hours are at a minimum, and temperatures are well below freezing—so, yes, cold and flu season is most definitely here. If you have been diagnosed with a chronic disease or...

Managing Stress and Fatigue During the Holidays with Chronic Illness

Written by: Amanda Phillips While the holiday season is a time of grand celebration, family gatherings, and holiday traditions, for those of us with chronic illnesses, holidays bring added stress, extra exhaustion, and symptom management...

Halloween with Chronic Illness: Low-Energy Costume Ideas and Activities

Halloween can be so much fun, but often, if you live with a chronic illness or cancer, it just might feel overwhelming. The costumes, parties, and all of those trick-or-treaters can be fatiguing activities when...

Halloween Candy: Dietary Restriction Management Tips

Written by: Amanda Phillips Halloween is one of those times of the year that's all about fun, costumes, and of course—candy! But for many of us living with chronic illnesses or cancer, the excitement of...