BeWell Blog

Sip Carefully: Why Alcohol and Chronic Illness Don’t Mix

That time of year again. Shamrocks everywhere. Green-colored everything. The inevitable flood of St. Patrick's Day party invitations and bar specials clogging up my social media feed. But for those of us who juggle life...

Living with Chronic Illness: Your Heart Health This February

I believe your heart deserves extra love, especially while living through life with chronic illness. And because I understand the daily challenges that come with managing complex health conditions, I want to have a real...

IBD Starter Bundle: The Essentials to Self-Managing Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Living with IBD is most definitely difficult, from managing symptoms and medications to preparing for the unexpected. That is why BeWell designed the IBD Starter Bundle: a collection of must-haves that make life with IBD...

Surviving Thanksgiving with a Chronic Illness: Fatigue and Food Restrictions Included

Written by: Amanda Phillips Thanksgiving is that time of the year when we focus on family, gratitude, and of course, food. However, for people living with chronic illness, this holiday can come with its own...

Managing Stress and Fatigue During the Holidays with Chronic Illness

Written by: Amanda Phillips While the holiday season is a time of grand celebration, family gatherings, and holiday traditions, for those of us with chronic illnesses, holidays bring added stress, extra exhaustion, and symptom management...

10 Tips and Tricks to Relieve Nausea

Written by: Amanda Phillips We've all felt nauseous at one time or another, but if you are living with a chronic condition or regular treatments, such as chemo, it can feel like the most constant...

I May Not Look Sick, But I Sure Do Act It

Written by: Amanda Phillips You see a Ferris Wheel. I see crowds, anxiety, and no fast way to get to a bathroom. There is a lot of talk about invisible illnesses regarding chronic conditions such...

Grieving the Loss of Myself: Life with Chronic Illness

Written by: Ashley The Pain of Losing Who I Once Was One of my biggest struggles with IBD has been grief. And I’m not grieving the loss of a family member, a friend, or a...

Why Symptom Tracking with a Journal Can Improve Wellness

Written by: Amanda Phillips Living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), or for that matter any chronic illness, is an unwieldy beast. Some days, you feel okay, while others are a mystery as to who is...