BeWell Blog

Beyond Roses and Chocolates: Valentine's Gifts That Show Real Understanding

Finding the perfect Valentine's Day gift gets complicated when your loved one lives with chronic illness. After years of navigating this journey alongside warriors in our community, I've learned that the most meaningful gifts aren't...

Love Languages When Life Gets Hard: Real Talk About Care & Chronic Illness

A week ago Tuesday, I sat with my friend Emily at her kitchen table. She was having one of her better days—enough energy to sit up and chat while her coffee got cold—something that always...

Take Your Meds Bundle: Your Portable Solution for Organized Medication Management

Organization and accessibility of medications are key for those managing a chronic illness—especially when you're on-the-go. The Take Your Meds Bundle by BeWell puts everything you need to take your meds easily into one compact...

Hospital Stay Bundle: The Ultimate in Comfort for Your Hospital Stay

Few times are as challenging as those spent in the hospital, but anyone who has had to navigate such an environment can truly appreciate the comforting and practical items that were available to them. BeWell's...

Infusion Day Bundle: A Real Friend for Treatment Days by Your Side

Infusion days are difficult and emotionally exhausting. Long, fatiguing hours of treatments finally leave patients cold, exhausted, and uncomfortable. That is why BeWell has thoughtfully prepared the Infusion Day Bundle with the purpose of softening...

Holiday Gift Guide: 20 Thoughtful Gift Ideas for those with Chronic Illness

The holiday season is the best time to extend appreciation and give support to one's loved ones, particularly those who are burdened by a chronic illness. The best gifts you could offer them are things...