BeWell Blog

Hospital Stay Bundle: The Ultimate in Comfort for Your Hospital Stay

Few times are as challenging as those spent in the hospital, but anyone who has had to navigate such an environment can truly appreciate the comforting and practical items that were available to them. BeWell's...

Holiday Gift Guide: 20 Thoughtful Gift Ideas for those with Chronic Illness

The holiday season is the best time to extend appreciation and give support to one's loved ones, particularly those who are burdened by a chronic illness. The best gifts you could offer them are things...
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BeWell IV Zip Hoodie - The Right Fit for Comfort during Treatments

Written by: Amanda Phillips Infusion treatments are never easy, physically and emotionally. Be it chemotherapy, dialysis, biologic infusions, or any other kind of medical intervention, comfort can make a big difference in long sessions. That...

The Power of Adaptive Fashion: How BeWell is Changing the Game for Medical Patients

Written by: Amanda Phillips Living with a chronic illness is about more than just managing symptoms; it's about navigating a lifestyle full of doctor’s appointments, treatments, and unexpected challenges. I know first-hand how much the...

How to Cope with Seasonal Affective Disorder: Keeping Your Mind Well When Days are Dark

Written by: Amanda Phillips Living with a chronic illness is never easy, but the shorter, darker days of winter can make it especially challenging. A lack of sunlight can leave many people feeling sad, listless,...

Tips for Staying Warm and Healthy: Preparing for Cold Weather with Chronic Illness

Written by: Amanda Phillips When the temperatures drop, living with a chronic illness means adding another layer of symptom management into your daily routine. Cold weather can trigger flare-ups, worsen joint pain, and increase discomfort....

Halloween with Chronic Illness: Low-Energy Costume Ideas and Activities

Halloween can be so much fun, but often, if you live with a chronic illness or cancer, it just might feel overwhelming. The costumes, parties, and all of those trick-or-treaters can be fatiguing activities when...

Coping with Fatigue: How to Manage Chronic Illness Exhaustion

Written by: Amanda Phillips Fatigue. It's an issue most people experience from time to time, but for those of us struggling to live with chronic illness, fatigue can be a constant, overwhelming part of daily...

Why a Cozy Blanket Is a Must-Have for Spoonies This Fall

Written by: Amanda Phillips As the days shorten and temperatures cool, the simple comfort of warmth becomes, quite literally, essential to those of us living with chronic illness. Be it for joint pain, exhaustion, or...